1. Youth Grung
Consumer trend 2022/23 Youth Grunge focuses on Youthful looks, girls in bra top, knee-length baggy jeans and bottom wear matched with unbuttoned shirts, jackets, and sneakers brings a post COVID-19 sentiments for freedom and grunge.
Grunge-prep-seventies-denim “streetwear” looks by Coach Ford embraced colors in his work in those early years and mentioned how fashion has also evolved in the digital era where flashy clothes are now required.
Streetwear sequined shorts and sequined tank tops, bra tops with MA1 flight jacket in luxury silk satin and work pants, bra tank tops with cargo pants, gold leopard print, single breast jacket with short pants and gold tank or the range of sporty garments mixing in with a bit of tailoring defines the most of the catwalk S/S 2022 collections.
The raw, the punk, and the Victorian, elements of deconstructed lingerie showing up in almost every look.
Consumer Expectation:- Freedom, Youthful anti fashion, Grunge, Enchantment
Human need desire and when everything is locked it becomes hard to get motivated — we need Celebration and festivity.
Consumers are seeking sources of joy as the continuing pandemic and other local and global crises—from political unrest to environmental threats—have caused them anxiety and stress. Following the pandemic, many may be feeling a kind of ‘survivor’s guilt’; as a result, consumers need to allow themselves to feel much needed joy and happiness.
Digital technology has become a common way for many to find entertainment, but consumers are looking for fun and playfulness in all areas of life. They have a new sense of appreciation for finding joy in everyday things and being at the moment.
Streetwear sequined shorts and sequined tank tops, bra tops with MA1 flight jacket in luxury silk satin and work pants, bra tank tops with cargo pants, gold leopard print, single breast jacket with short pants and gold tank or the range of sporty garments mixing in with a bit of tailoring defines the most of the catwalk S/S 2022 collections.
Consumer Expectation- Glamour, Disco, Party, Gaming
Sensual Serenity is human nature. We are always striving for the best. Our city, architecture, space, and daily life all show the yearning for a better life. An unconventional spiritual garden is opened in a minimalist and casual way to present the natural power.
There is simple and modest elegance between light and shadow, brightness and darkness, virtual and reality. Time is passing in one direction, and space is changing in multiple planes. People want to reflect infinite reveries in limited space through interaction with space and nature.
Depending on one’s sensibilities, what classifies as “sexy” can vary widely.
As consumers witness lost sexual desires during the COVID-19, people will seek sensuality and romanticism in all aspects of their lives and to escape from depression. Consumer's future choices will be based on pleasure seeking in everything they buy. The products that intensify the erotism, and sexual desires will motivate people to buy them.
Consumer Expectation:- Fearless Romance, Sexual Pleasure, unbound, Love, Touch, feel.
Post COVID-19, consumers will return to re-explore the lost world, the travelling situation will change to the new normal. It will be a lost affair.
The purpose for the travel will be mostly associated with the mental wellbeing.
COVID-19 has made many wary of close-contact public transport. In New York City, we are seeing a resurgence in cycling and skateboarding, so it’s no wonder that bikes and boards have made their way into the spring 2021 collections. The question remains: Can Vivienne Westwood ride a bike in that pencil skirt and corset?
Consumer Expectation:- Cycling, Skate, Yoga, Hippy life, freedom, Adventure
Under the lockdown situations, consumers became the victims of too much monotony, hopelessness, and the lack of outdoor playfulness activities proving a direct threat to the human brain.
To sustain sympathy, the demand for a comical life is everything we need in the next few more years to come.
The analysis of the people during the lockdown has revealed we are fragile. While work from home is presently gaining popularity but the threat of isolation due to constrained social life, the indoor games, comics, and childhood memories of cartoon characters are set to support humanity.
Consumer's hidden and indirect desire from the brands is to support the changes- Make life bright, full, and fun in everything they buy.
Consumer expectation- Childlike fun, Gaming, soft Color Tones, cute, DIY