5 amazing features of "Amazon Go" that revolutionize retail

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The Leading eCommerce giant took another leap to redefine the shopping experience that we used to have before- The Amazon Go, a bricks-mortar retail service aimed to provide the shopper with a hassle free shopping experience. Amazon has already launched its first store at Seattle U.S.A, that is currently open for only its employee to test it before releasing its final version to other customers.


5 amazing features of "Amazon Go" that revolutionize the shopping experience

1- The shopping at Malls have never been an easy task, a big long fat check out queues makes the shopping experience very arduous and time taking, in the attempt to remove these lines Amazon go is hassle free shopping experience. Its saves your time and calories.

2- It's totally revolutionising the brick-mortar shopping experience as its concept is based on self-driving cars.

3- Its extends, how the artificial intelligence work- a self-learning with computer vision and sensor fusion which makes it unique

4- Works with any smartphone which is capable of installing Amazon Go app. Either from your android or ios smartphone, your can experience the future.

5- Go cashless, as its let you use your amazon points, amazon gift card or amazon money to shop. once the customer leaves the store the Amazon account will be charged and receipt sent to them.

You can learn more about Amazon go at here